Thursday, September 29, 2011

Week 6

We had another great class.  The students learned about the effects of spinning and why it makes you feel dizzy, as well as the need for concentration when you perform a different task with each hand at the same time. They enjoyed using what they have learned in Art to draw a final picture.  They were very comfortable giving their presentations. We played Jeopardy for review and it was a hit.  You are doing a great job reviewing the subject facts.

Presentations for Week 7 - (1-3 min) Humorous Story, Joke or Poem.  We will be working on Expression.

Please check the Presentation Schedule to the left.  Our class follows the guidelines for the Older Students. There are links available for ideas for Week 7 Humorous. Not all material is appropriate, please use your judgement.

Bring to class next week:  
Tin Whistle  
Crayola 64/96 pack (only if you have one at home)

Have a Great Week!!

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Looking Ahead

We will be using our Tin Whistles in week 7. Please bring your Tin Whistles to class this week so I can see that everyone has theirs.  Also we'll be coloring our body parts in Science the next several weeks, so if anyone has an extra Crayola 64 or 96 color set please bring them so we'll have plenty of crayons to go around.  We will be using specific colors. Thanks so much!

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Week 5

We learned not everyone (the Tutor) remembers how to play hopscotch.  Your students were brave enough to try lime juice as we experienced the sense of Taste.  Our science experiment revealed we do not feel the same on our arms as on our fingertips.  The students are getting comfortable with each other, and they make a wonderful group.  Their participation is fantastic.  We are all enjoying ourselves.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Class Pictures & Presentations

Hope you are all enjoying the week off.  We are taking individual and class pictures next Tues. on the 20th.  Please arrive by 8:45 and meet between the two buildings by the picnic tables.  

I am aware that the speeches for the week of September 27th could be long.   You may take an excerpt of the speech.  Make sure it is at least a minute long, but less than three minutes. Also make sure it is a natural ending to the topic. Don't leave your audience hanging. Be ready to present your short biography on the 20th and bring your speech to class on the 27th.  Try to memorize it or use note cards.   

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Week 4

We had lots of fun in class.  The students learned about lung capacity with our Science experiment and how to draw abstract art.  We played Human Tic-Tac-Toe which they all thoroughly enjoyed.  Latin is in the lead as the least mastered subject followed by Science.  We are having a great time.     Reminder:  We have off next week.

Presentations - Biography of an American Patriot.  This is a two-week project.  First choose a famous speech given by an American Patriot to be given in Week 6.  Then for next week (Week 5) write a short biography of the patriot who gave the speech.
See you on the 20th!